MoneyWise 301

Continue your growth in understanding money and your financial life.

Step one

Complete Financial Awareness Counseling at

If you completed Financial Awareness Counseling in the past doing so again will be helpful to review updated repayment estimates for your loans.

Even if you have not borrowed student loans to date the information about loans, budgeting and other money management information is helpful.

  • Log in at This counseling includes five steps:
    1. Understand your loans: Your NSLDS student loan records will be imported into the counseling. You will need to add any future federal loan disbursements and information about any loans not included in NSLDS.
    2. Manage your spending: Uses your current in-school expenses and funds.
    3. Plan to repay:Uses information based on your anticipated post-graduation income and expenses.
    4. Avoid default.
    5. Make finances a priority.

If you have concerns about entering your personal information into this government website, you may complete the Financial Awareness Counseling without logging in.

Step two

Test Your Student Loan IQ

  • Review the additional information at the end of the quiz.

Are you ready for a financial emergency?

  • Review the additional information at the end of the quiz.

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